This is so... EPIC! I posted this a while back at my other spot (the music collective Prejka), but I felt I needed to include this one here as well, since this is pretty much the prototype for what the Disco Academy is all about.
Basically, there are three types of qualifications that make up the basis for any records advancement into the Disco Academys "Public Library", they are as follows:
1. An artist of questionable integrity burdened by horrible past acheivments who just happens to punch a hole through mediocrity and deliver something extraordinary.
2. Due to common neglect and/or cheesy album cover art, said record is largely unknown even to the most avid collector - although it may be spotted in almost every record shop known to man.
3. The groovy nature of this particular record - even though it may be instantly felt - appears to be unintentional and defies all categorization, leaving the dancer clueless as to what he or she is being subjected to, as well as testing the boldness of the DJ that is subjecting them to it.
This is one of those records...
3 kommentarer:
you guys are on FIRE this week. check it if you haven't already...
...Beyond Contact is an edit/remix of this track.
Thanks, it's hard to keep up sometimes but we're trying.
Didn't know about that one, but I can imagine the acid appeal it would have in the right hands.
Due to always spinning in slow motion I tend to play The Factory instead, another great track from this album.
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