Another mix from yours truly. In the vein of what some have called Nu-Balearica. And with all right, since I was able to squeeze in some fresh stuff from the Permanent Vacation stable as well as the title track of Rune Lindbaek & Idjut Boys new project Meanderthals, soon available for purchase. And from our Swedish coast lines: re-edits from favourites Lugnet and Apiento (who's stuff you can download over here), and the amazingly "so cheesy it's cool"-sampling of Macarena by Stockholms Nhessingtons, one of the outfits on the promising label Force Majeure. Enjoy!
U. Srinivas & Michael Brook - Dance Ronny & Renzo - Uniqorns (Quiet Village Remix) Low Motion Disco - Love Love Love Sade - Paradise (Apiento Edit) Nhessingtons - You're The Summer Woolfy - Nevee (Permanent Vacation Tropical Heat Remix) Tiaz - Sommarstorm Thompson Twins - Leopard Ray Troublemakers - Afghan Regina - Näinä Mustina Iltoina (Schmamix Instrumental) Edgar Winter - Above And Beyond (Instrumental) Meanderthals - Desire Lines
A dedicated passion for the plastic and paper that conjure the dream of cosmic analogue cheesy discoteques: The Disco Academy isonehalfblog,onehalfguerrilarecordstore.Youcanfindour permanentcrate at the Rundgång Record Store in Malmö, Sweden (on Kristianstadsgatan 14).
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